My boyfriend smokes almost every day

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    • #3973

      My boyfriend since 2 years smokes weed almost every day. Even though he takes a drag every day he doesn’t smoke much (i mean, he never smokes a whole, or even a half joint, and lots of tobacco mixed up with it). I am 25 (my boyfriend is 30) have never smoked in my entire life and feel uncomfortable about him smoking. I was brought up in a home with non-tolerance to drugs and smoking, and had never seen drugs up front before i met him.

      He knows that i don’t like it, but argues that he ‘has it under control’. It makes him lazy, but apart from that if anything even more loving. I don’t want him to smoke, but don’t know what to say to make him stop. When i talk to him about it i try to be gentle and understanding, ask for him to gradually stop using and so on. He have, in return, at times asked me to hide his weed so that he won’t smoke in the week but asked me for it back only two days after. I love him so much, we have an amazing relationship, he is loving and caring, the only problem is the fact that he can’t stop smoking (i don’t think he sees the problem with smoking). At the moment it works, but i am afraid that if it gets worse he is gonna get more serious problems, more difficult to get out of.

      Can anyone help me on how to approach him, to get him to stop?

    • #7812

      your situation sounds a lot like mine. my boyfriend of almost 2 years has been smoking it before we met. it got to the point where he had been stealing money from my mums credit card and in 3 months had spent £400 on weed and cigarettes and things. i made him go and get help from the drug and alcohol services but i dont think he stuck that out very long. i found out at the weekend he is smoking on and off and hasn’t found giving up as easy as i would have hoped. if your boyfriend doesn’t want to stop then he wont, you just have to hope it doesn’t get too bad. my boyfriend has mental health issues also, psychosis, from the weed. according to him i dont understand his addiction which again isnt going to help things. i can imagine you feel the same. i too would love for the same answers and wish i had more for you x

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