my brother is ruining my family

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      My brother has been addicted to methadone for 12yrs. When my parents first found out they moved him home, got him on a reduction program and basically controlled all his movements and finances. It was hard to watch them put their lives on hold for them to be lied to, shouted at, threatened and stolen from, specially my Mum as my Dad let her deal with it as he just couldn’t. After 2 long years my brother was drug free and after 6 months he movef out and within 3wks he was buying methadone. He later admitted he planned it. By then I was living at my parents and tho he had his own flat he pretty much stayed every night. And it was bad. Ebery day he would sit in front of the tv, gouched. I saw him terrorise my mum for money and my dad do nothing. He stole money and jewellery..including my mums wedding ring. I got a lock on my bedroom door. I begged my parents to do something. Limit contact and get some of their life back but my dad wouldn’t as my brother emotionally blackmailed him by threatening to be found dead in a drug house if they threw him out. Eventually I moved out. I hated him. But he did stsrt to recover. The lies and stealing stopped. Hw was on a reduction program and 2yrs ago ge was down to 10ml a day. Then we lost our mum. And now he’s back up to 60. He lies about when he gets it so he can take what he wants. He’s wasted half the week and strung out the other hakf and thinks we don’t know. My siblings hsbe basically given up on him and my dad panders to his every need. I don’t want to put more pressure on my dad but it’s getting to much. I don’t wanr to visit the house and I resent him touching or even talking to my baby. I no longer know what to do.

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