My brothers addiction has destroyed my family and taken over my life

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    • #32738

      Over the last few years, my brother’s addiction has spiralled and spiralled out of control. Countless times of picking him up and helping him with recovery have failed, as after periods of sobriety, he chooses with his conscious mind to go out and spend every last penny on any drug he can get hold off. He is now a heroin, crack and benzodiazepine addict. Numerous cardiac arrests, CPR, comas, police incidents, drug-induced rages, domestic violence, tears, and carnage have become my daily life.

      The last few days have been particularly difficult, and every minute has been torment. He will cry and wail one minute because something isn’t suiting him, and will quickly switch to violence, rage and aggression, the house has been pulled apart, no one has had any sleep. All of his friends have died, and we try to help him and put up with all of this over the last few days as an appointment was coming up with substance misuse where he was going to agree to go to rehab. Today was the appointment day and I missed something very important at work, which was months in the making, in order to be there today at the appointment. When we get there, he refuses to let us go in and eventually the case worker comes out to tell us he has refused detox and rehab.

      There is nothing left that we can do for him anymore. And the next bout of violence he will be left homeless because I will take it out of my mum’s hands and force an injunction myself.

    • #32739

      Awful what you and your family are having to endure.  You can’t fix your brother, but you can save yourself.  Recently I have been following the trial of a drug addicted lawyer in the USA, who murdered his innocent wife and son (Maggie and Paul Murdaugh) after stealing millions of dollars from his family and clients. Search the internet for Alex Murdaugh or try this link:

    • #32741

      This is a better link, but there is a lot about it if you search it.  This opioid addict who had NO history of violence, was found guilty on all charges. He will spend the rest of life in the penitentiary.

    • #32745

      My name is maxine and I have struggled with alcohol for many years I have finally made my mind up to give it up forever as it was ruling my life and had a very bad effect on my family life I would like if anyone is going through something similar and I am looking for any advice anyone can offer me or support thank you

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