My dad is an alcoholic

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    • #6985

      Hi, I’m new to this but as the title says my dad is an alcoholic. He’s been drinking all my life and I’m almost 19. He said he’s been drinking since he was 12 he’s 62 now. He’s never tried to get off the alcohol before, he always has excuses for the drinking such as losing his parents in the last 3 years or if it’s not that it’s something else. Not only an alcohol addiction he has smoking and gambling addictions too. Is there any way to help him? He will not go to rehab because he’s self employed as a gardener and doesn’t want to lose out on earning. He says he can do it himself but he’s been saying it for years and still hasn’t cut down on any of the addictions. Not sure where to go from here because he doesn’t want any help from anyone like a GP or counselling. Any ideas would be appreciated, thank you. We also live in England, UK.

    • #24885

      Hi Lovely Roses, welcome to the forum. Everyone here has a loved one who has addictions and also some people in recovery offering support and advice too.

      Thank you for sharing your story, I’m so sorry to hear that your dad’s addictive behaviour is affecting you.

      I’m no expert but it sounds to me that he has a very addictive personality. My son is 28 and has alcohol and cocaine addictions for more than years. Thankfully he’s doing well and in early recovery..

      He reached out to us for support two years ago. Debt, illness threat of losing his job,house car.

      He joined AA and CA meetings, did 12 step program, got a sponsor, met some great support.

      This can only happen if the addicted is willing to seek help.

      In the meantime, please look after your own health and well-being. Confide in someone close and keep in touch here.

      The forum has advice and support as does the Icarus trust who post here. Please don’t feel alone in this nightmare of addiction.

      Take care, stay strong lovely


    • #24905


      Thanks for posting. as Lindyloo says you do need to look after yourself too. If you would like someone to talk with for advice and support please contact us at Icarus Trust as we are a charity that offer support to people dealing with addiction in their family. We have family Friends who are experienced and well trained and, if you get in touch you could talk to one of them.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best.

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