My ex is addicted to crack and heroin

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    • #6293

      Hi everyone

      So basically a year ago I found out my ex was using crack and that caused our relationship to end. In the year that followed we’ve been through a roller coaster of ups and downs. Then after his disappeared again I reported him missing and he turned up after being attacked with a knife. Since then he been staying with under the understanding he’ll seek help, so a couple of weeks ago he went to get help and they put him on methadone.

      I was very suspicious as I was under the impression that he was using crack only.

      Anyway last week he confirmed my suspicion and it was like being back and the beginning.

      So he’s still using both and on methadone, yesterday I noticed a change in him I foolishly thought he was making progress but it turns out I’m an idiot. He disappeared from around 3 til 8.30 which I know isn’t long but he hasn’t done that at all since he’s been back and now today he’s claimed he’s poorly first time in about 3 weeks I knew. He asked for his dose of methadone and when we had words I gave it him. But while I went to get he took my car keys and hasn’t been seen since.

      I’m sick of trying to help him and it being thrown in my face.

      We have children and social services are involved because of him using and they’ve been pretty good about him being here but now I feel like maybe it’s time to cut him loose.

      Any advice ?

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