My husband<3

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      I was waiting for a bus home one night when a scruffy guy stopped and asked me if I had a spare 32p. I gave him 32p and we got chatting, he was living on the streets , a heroin addict and alcoholic and from that night we were together forever.
      He moved in with me and we married a year later. He had already told me he had Hep C from sharing a needle but he couldn’t have treatment until he was off the alcohol for 3 months. We had our ups and downs, he was off heroin , but still on methadone and I was also a alcoholic, not a good combination lol . We loved each other.
      A year later he came off methadone completely for the first time in years and I stopped drinking, and things were starting to look up. Then he became ill, staying in bed longer, not eating , bloated stomach and ended up going to hospital.
      Within 2 days his mind had gone, he couldn’t string a sentence together , didn’t recognize his friends , refused to eat or take medication, having falls.
      After being in hospital for 6 weeks he came home and I looked after him , washed him, dressed him, changed his soiled pads, cleaned up the blood etc .
      Christmas day was good , he enjoyed it and managed to eat a roast potato and turkey and after eights .
      My husband passed away, in my arms at home 2 days later, he was 38.
      That was nearly 3 years ago and I still can’t get over it. Its great that I found this site with people that understand xx

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