My husband is addicted to cocaine

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    • #6933


      This is the first time I have ever been on a forum , I’m not sure what I’m looking for, maybe just nice to know others are going through this.

      Last year I found out my husband had been using cocaine for 8 months, he swore to me he would stop and since Oct last year things have not been right, there’s no money coming in , he’s out all hours saying he’s working. A few months ago I found out that he had taken me and the children in the car to meet a drug dealer, he had then taken some cocaine at a family members bbq, I was so furious, again he swore it wouldn’t happen again. I found out last week that he is still using and he has admitted it’s a problem for him. I’m glad he has finally been honest but I feel that things have gone too far for us , during all this time he has been verbally and emotionally abusive to me and the children , he’s been violent in the house smashing his phone and did once punch a wall. I’ve been in counselling for months because things have been so bad, I asked him to come with me for months, he finally came to the end of a session after I had kicked him out. I then let him back home. We have agreed to 4 weeks couples counselling and this is where he admitted he was still using, while I absolutely want him to recover I’m just not too sure if it’s too late for us.

    • #24663


      Thanks for sharing your story and I’m glad you have found this forum so, hopefully, you will know that you are not alone in what you are going through.

      I’m glad that you are having counselling but if you would like any more support, or just someone to talk with, who would understand, please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that provides support for people dealing with addiction in their family and we have trained and experienced people you could talk with if you get in touch.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best.

    • #24676

      I can only tell you to trust your instincts and gut feelings they are always right

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