My husband and I have been together for about 14 years. He is 60 and I am 50, He told me quite soon after we met, that he smoked Cannabis and had used it since he was a teenager. At first this was a novelty and a secret we hid from others and our children: now more people know. He is a professional and works full time, it does not affect his work.
Over the years he has been smoking it more and more. He used to have a break of a month when he ran out. That has got shorter and this month he went straight away and got some more when he ran out. I have grown to resent it more and more. I do not use any and don’t drink much. I am on strong painkillers for chronic pain.
I hate it when he is stoned and I am sober, its like watching someone when they are drunk. He is still the same person, but at the same time he is different and I don’t like what it does to him: it changes him and he gets silly and wants to talk for hours.
The children have all left home now, it is just us and our pets.
He spends his days/evenings in his shed doing bloke things and smoking. He loses track of time and I have to remind him when to come in. He funds his habit himself.
He uses it, because he likes it and has smoked it for years. He has a stressful job and has poor coping mechanisms and says Cannabis is the only thing that helps. He always knows best and says he could stop if he wanted – but he does not want to. I think it is all tied in with him having an abusive childhood: he needs Psychotherapy but he is so arrogant at times and feels he is working through all his past issues and does not need a therapist (even though he has no training in this field).
He knows how I feel about it, but these is no compromise, he just carries on.
He says he does not have an addiction and would not consider therapy
Any comments please. Advice