My mother & me

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    • #6537

      For around 11 years of my life now my Mother has been a functioning alcoholic. Over time I began to normalise her addiction and slowly but surely it took over my life. My Mother and my family have always enjoyed a drink, even from my very young and early years that I can remember but she seems to be the only person that has gradually got worse. I live with my mum and my stepdad and always have done since. I was around 3-4 years old but for as long as I can remember he has always enabled her to drink even to this day I shoulder her burden. She lost a job through drink although they could never prove it. I took the responsibility to ensure the household bills were paid on time and everything was up to date. It has had a massive impact on myself carrying this weight around and trying to hide it. I have tried to help her but she always refuses or lies. The trust in our relationship has totally gone and the horrible truth I have now told my self is that one day very soon I face the probability of waking up to find my own mother has drunk herself to death. I don’t know how this will affect be but as it stands now? I believe that I will be pretty numb to this.

    • #21317

      Thank you for posting and sharing your story.

      I’m so sorry to hear how you have carried the burden of your mum’s alcoholism that must have been very hard for you.

      I wonder if you would like some support for yourself. if so please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that provides support for people in you situation, having to deal with the impact of a family member’s addiction. we provide a range of services and we have Family Friends, our trained and experienced people who would listen and perhaps be able to help you to find a way through.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      I hope this helps.

      All the best.

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