My Partner addicted to oxy. suffers from bipolar and severe adhd

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    • #35427


      My partner has been taking on and off oxy for the past 2 years.

      2 weeks on it, suffers withdrawal, then a week or 2 later  starts  all over again.

      Her dosage starts with 40mg /day and finally gets to 80 mg.

      Additionally takes prescription, medications for her bi polar 2 diagnosis.

      Uses Cannabis on a daily usage for 25 years , but that seems to help

      She can relatively go through the first stage of withdrawal from oxy , then  a week of emptiness and general very bad feeling.

      She has a long history of drug abuse.

      We have a lot of dreams and plans, we want a child together.

      We love each other

      How can I help her pass that feeling on of craving after the initial serious withdrawal symptoms pass?




    • #37247

      Seeking support for yourself, perhaps through counseling or support groups, can help you navigate this challenging situation.

    • #37248

      I’m truly sorry to hear about the challenges you and your partner are facing, Vito255. It’s clear that you care deeply for her and want to support her on this journey.

    • #37249

      Supporting someone with addiction and mental health concerns can be incredibly challenging. It’s essential to encourage her to seek professional help, both for her opioid addiction and her bipolar diagnosis.One approach that could be beneficial is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is a well-established therapeutic technique that can help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. It can be particularly effective in addressing addiction and managing bipolar symptoms.

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