My partner and cocaine

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    • #6549

      My partner is addicted to cocaine and she has promised a number of times she is going to sort herself and get clean then days later we are back at the same point, her using again.

      I can’t keep going through this endless cycle with her but I love her too much to walk away and want to help and support her.

      I know she loves me but then if she can’t commit and get clean I question whether I actually do mean anything to her.

    • #21450

      I can’t help I’m afraid but I’m in the same boat for my partner. It’s so hard isn’t it, I feel like whatever I say whether it be calming and supportive or angry and upset nothing gets through to him. He puts it before myself and the children

    • #21451

      I fee like I’m going through such a wave of emotions, one minute I’m sad and upset about it and the next I’m so so angry. I’ve tried my hardest to understand her mind and why she does it but I just don’t, she knows she’s going to lose me and it’s as if it doesn’t matter, I’m just not strong enough to walk away I love her too much

    • #21452

      Totally with you. I just feel like shaking him! I’ve been with my partner ten years now and unfortunately I can only say it’s got worse as the years have gone by. After our first child I thought this is it, this is the kick he needs. But nope and we’ve not long had a baby together and it’s made him worse. So I’m really struggling as I’m doing everything by myself it’s so bloody hard! Does she admit she has a problem? My partner does not he’s totally in denial and likes to turn it around on to me like I’m the bad person it’s very hard. Stay strong!

    • #21453

      We’ve only been together 2 years, she does admit she has a problem and she’s been promising to get help but she’s scared and doesn’t know where to start! I try and help but after it’s been spoken about it goes right back round to the same situation. Must be awful to have children in this situation aswell can’t imagine how you feel having children aswell.

    • #21454

      Has it been for the full 2 years she has had an addiction? I wish I could offer advice I really do. Yeah I have been through that too where he has said he will get help but he hasn’t taken any steps I’m pretty sure he has just said it to get me of his back! Have you sat down properly nd had a heart to heart with her

    • #21456

      She was casually using on night outs every so often but since lockdown it’s became multiple nights a week. Yeh she just tells me what I want to hear and then does nothing about it. Yep multiple times and she gets upset and tells me she’ll change and she doesn’t wanna be this way but again nothing changes! I’ve told her if things don’t change I can’t stay and she promised she would but again she hasn’t I think it would actually take me leaving for her to realise but I don’t think I’m strong enough to actually do that. I’m ready to get a house and start a life but as long as she’s using we will never afford that.

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