My partner becomes so nasty when he is drunk

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      Help I really don’t know what to do. I have a lovely partner who works so hard and is such a giving caring person but he has developed a drink problem since his dad died 2 and a half years ago. The issue is he drinks and drinks and then I either can’t talk to him because he is so drunk or his personality changes. He becomes nasty and vindictive. He has said such awful things to me and he has done the same to my family. They stopped speaking to him for months and now we have built bridges he has done it again. I’m devastated as this is tearing me apart. He’s like a ticking time bomb and I just don’t know what the next horrible thing is he will say /do. My family think he’s going evil but I know he’s not but he turns into something awful when he’s drunk. Has anyone else been through this

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