- This topic has 32 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by ash2013.
August 26, 2019 at 10:05 pm #5501helplessParticipant
My partner has just told me it’s that bad he has a hole in his nose, I’m absolutely worrying my head off.
He said he tried to stop once but he was shaking in bed, what do i do now?? I feel sick I don’t know how I’ll sleep tonight!! He said he wants to stop but this morning he acted like everything was normal, did he regret telling me? Can he even remember telling me? I’m too scared to talk about it because it scares the hell out of me.
August 27, 2019 at 7:53 am #14625hoxParticipant
You are not alone there are a lot of us on here worrying about our other halves cocaine addiction.
Problem is there is nothing you can do unless he wants help. At least he has admitted he is addicted. Ask, don’t be afraid. Tell him you are there to help.
Look at our ‘stories’ on here it will give you an insight of what is to come if nothing is done about it. Don’t sweep this chance under the carpet.
August 27, 2019 at 4:39 pm #14636helplessParticipant
Just wondering how many years do you think he’s been doing this to end up having a hole in his nose?? If he was to just stop taking it altogether will he become seriously ill?? Will he need to wean himself off before he stops?? It’s like I’m living a nightmare!! I don’t know where to turn.
August 27, 2019 at 6:11 pm #14640danman83Participant
He must be using a hell of a lot for his nose to get a hole in. Maybe in the morning as well. Im doing my best to stop coke. Im having it once a month. When its wearing off it sends you depressed and suicidal. I imagine hes told you as he is coming down wanting help.. but i could be wrong. But i doubt it, as it makes you do things like that and then be normal.the next day.
1st off if his nose is like that, he needs stop asap. I dont think its like heroin were u need weening off it. He needs to want to quit himself, and with his nose being like that id go see a doc, and get my self to a cocaine/narcs meeting straight away. He obviously is bad. Sit him down and ask him how long and how often and how much is he using. Tell him you want the truth or we wont able to fix this..
If he wants to quit he needs to.. delete all dealers nums out of his phone, friends and family who take coke. Come off all social media, and replace his routine with a new 1.. with new hobbies to replace his usual routine of having coke.
No drinking alcohol as well.
Does he go out alot?
August 27, 2019 at 6:12 pm #14641danman83Participant
Have you not noticed him at all on it? Sniffing? Sneaking off? Coming back the next day? Or anxiety?
August 27, 2019 at 6:13 pm #14642danman83Participant
Has he a got a well paid job if you dont mind me asking?
August 27, 2019 at 6:49 pm #14643helplessParticipant
He’s earn’s between £600-£700 a week
August 27, 2019 at 6:53 pm #14644helplessParticipant
And I was aware he did it on the odd occasion at Christmas etc, but lately he comes from work and won’t even stay for coffee, but it’s early in the week so I assumed no way surely, but now my heads in over drive!!
August 27, 2019 at 6:56 pm #14645danman83Participant
Its a good wage. Just asking because with coke and how much you earn i guess has an influence how much you have of it, depending how bad you are. Because if you get one you get another, when that wears off you get another..
But if you have no money left, you just leave it there.
Does he want to get help?
August 27, 2019 at 7:04 pm #14646helplessParticipant
He goes out twice a week and that’s every week, he told me before we got together that his ex partner tried to control when he went out, and that he would never let himself be controlled like that again, he said she was mentally abusive and he made his life hell, so the last thing I wanted to do was control when he goes out, if you can see where I’m coming from
August 27, 2019 at 7:15 pm #14647danman83Participant
Ye i can see were your coming from. And there is nothing wrong with that.
But alcohol is a main trigger to get coke. The minute i drink, i want coke. So i dont drink unless i go out, which is very rarely.
But.. he has to look at the facts.. hes got a hole in his nose, he is an addict. Does he still want to go out twice a week knowing this? I know people who use each week and they dont have holes in there nose. Only times ive heard about that is like that daniella westbrook and kerry katona.. were they wake up taking it 1st thing in the morning, and plzzz dont think im having a go.. i am not.. im just making you aware because it seems you dont know much about it.
He might not have much and it might just effect his nose worse than others.
Have you got kids?
August 27, 2019 at 7:15 pm #14648helplessParticipant
And when he admitted all this the admission wasn’t on a come down it was obviously on a high because we’d just been out for drinks with friends.
August 27, 2019 at 7:17 pm #14650helplessParticipant
Yes we’ve got two together
August 27, 2019 at 7:19 pm #14652danman83Participant
It gets to the point as well , you need coke to go out or you wont be happy till u get it.
Its a real sneaky drug.
August 27, 2019 at 7:25 pm #14655danman83Participant
Just try and make him aware that the money he puts up his nose could be going on the children, and no doubt your children get everything anyway.. mine do.. its just wasting money and my gf does this to me, and it upsets me and shes right.
August 27, 2019 at 7:26 pm #14656danman83Participant
So whats he saying then? Is he going to carry on as normal? Or try and get help?
August 27, 2019 at 7:26 pm #14657helplessParticipant
Yes it’s a terrible drug!! You can’t visibly see this hole he said the hole is up his nose where his two nostrils meet in the middle, and sometimes see him picking his nose quite a lot which he never did when we first got together, I’ve also noticed over the last year his snoring is so intense I’d rather sleep else where.
August 27, 2019 at 7:28 pm #14660danman83Participant
Watch this video if you can. This woman has treated people for coke and crack problems, and she explains it all in good detail and how to stop.
Watch “Part 1 ‘Stop Using Crack/Cocaine and reclaim your life’, the recovery process revised” on YouTube
August 27, 2019 at 7:28 pm #14661danman83Participant
Louise clarke is her name
August 27, 2019 at 7:34 pm #14664danman83Participant
He needs to see a doc to see how bad it is.
Maybe if the doctor sees it and says.. if you carry on you will lose part of your nose in the middle. It might make him want to stop. So id mither him to see the doctor and it could help both of you really.
August 27, 2019 at 9:02 pm #14673helplessParticipant
Thankyou Dan I’ve just watched the you tube video, along with yourself it’s helped to understand a bit more about the situation I’m dealing with, I hope you don’t mind me reaching out you in the future as I know I’ll most probably need it !!
August 27, 2019 at 9:25 pm #14674danman83Participant
No feel free to ask me anytime. I forgot say.. i had hypnosis last week for it last week. £85 for one 2 hour session. I dont feel like using but i seem to lapse every 4th week. It use be a lot worse than that. But im controlling it a lot better now. So ill have see if it works
August 27, 2019 at 9:30 pm #14675helplessParticipant
Please can you let me know how it goes, I wish you all the luck in the world,don’t be a stranger please keep in touch.
August 27, 2019 at 9:43 pm #14676danman83Participant
Ill let u know in about a month if its working lol. Good luck ????
August 28, 2019 at 12:50 am #14678bluebellParticipant
I’m sorry to hear this. Please know that we on here know what you are going through. You will not want to hear what I have to say, I certainly didn’t when I first came on here, but the truth is this.
He has told you he didn’t like his ex as she was “controlling”. No, I bet he didn’t. We all get tarnished with that one.
You are now in a panic, you are going to want to fix him. I’m sorry, you can’t. I learned the hard way when after 20 years and two children together my husband had a psychotic meltdown and accused me of having an affair which for all the flack I got I certainly wish I had. I screamed, I begged, I pleaded, I acted kindly and sympathetically, I read up, I did everything to save him. He even begged to come back and I took him (after he left me by the way as I was “doing his nut in”) yeah right…that lasted 5 months. I finally divorced him in June.
The lies still keep coming fast and furious. You almost believe them they are such accomplished manipulators and liars. Even when my 9 year old son found weed in his car and I got a social services referral (no action taken as I am not an addict) he still minimised the extent of his drug taking lifestyle. And the cocaine. Well if you want to truly go to the dark side then that’s certainly the gateway.
I have suffered, my kids have suffered and all the while he swans about snorting and puffing bringing himself up and down like a friggin yo-yo without a care in the world.
I have been through two years of utter hell, suffered chronic depression, financial ruin and the light feels like it has been sucked out of my soul.
Your partner has a hole up his nose. That’s a heavy user. He’s going to lie to you left right and centre to get away with that one. I made the mistake of believing the lies for 8 years. My lovely kind caring gentle husband died years ago. I was in denial.
Confront him and see what he says. I bet he will regret having said that to you.
My advice, and I am sorry that this sounds harsh, is to walk and never look back. I truly wish somebody had said that to me. But I probably wouldn’t have listened. Sometimes the paths we go down are the ones we need for life to teach us the lessons we need to learn.
August 28, 2019 at 3:19 pm #14695ash2013Participant
My husband has a hole in his nose too, without being graphic he was blowing chunks out for weeks after he eventually stopped the coke. Thankfully its not right through to the otherside, but its pretty bad, and would have only got worse.
My husband also used to tell me that he wouldnt be controlled. Frankly I think thats the coke talking, as we as partners just want them to stop, so try to work out ways to avoid them doing it. Thing is, all that creates is resentment. Its like telling a kid they can’t do something, they then just want to. Like Danman says, he has to want to stop, and there isnt a thing you can do about it if he’s not at that stage. I’m not talking about a remorseful guilty moment, I’m talking about truly wanting to not be a slave to it.
Coke is about the worst psychologically addictive drug out there, you dont get the physical withdrawal like alcohol or heroin, but dont underestimate its power to keep an addict pulled in.
Hope your partner sees the light and realises the only person thats winning here is his dealer.
Sending hugs x
August 28, 2019 at 4:41 pm #14706helplessParticipant
I’m just plucking up the courage to have the talk, I’m keeping my distance at the moment, to be honest I feel numb about it all, since he confessed I’m not feeling any urge to text him or want him here, but he texts all the time asking how I am, what I’m up to, I just feel not bothered to text, I can’t stop thinking that he’s just going to get worse that’s all that’s on my mind.
August 29, 2019 at 10:13 am #14733ash2013Participant
There’s little point having the talk while he’s using, in fact its dangerous. So Just take some time out for yourself.
Him asking how you are and what you’re up to, is just his guilt, it makes the user incredibly selfish. (what other drug would reduce all inhibitions and morals to let users think it was fine to cheat).
He knows what he’s doing is wrong to you, but wants to keep you dangling on the end of the phone for when he wants you.
You should be his priority, I know this now x
August 29, 2019 at 7:42 pm #14744helplessParticipant
I tried to talk to him earlier but he was reluctant to talk, I said why don’t you want to talk about it and he said it’s because I’m ashamed, he said he didn’t have anything tuesday and only had two lines yesterday, he seemed ‘normal’ today no wide eyes and he ate all his dinner that I cooked him, he said I want to stop and I will stop,and the conversation ended, he said he won’t be having any tomorrow, oh god it’s like I don’t want to be in this ‘space’ with him but I can’t help want to help him !!
August 30, 2019 at 8:06 am #14782ash2013Participant
I just read the reply from Bluebell. She’s bang on. I could have written her reply, I was accused of an affair with my boss, I now believe my husband was too having a psychotic episode as it was just crazy.
You sound like all the other partners on here, but your journey isn’t too far in to get out.
I think I speak for all the partners who are broken and years into living this awful life. We all should have left a long time ago and been happier.
You can’t help him. You need to look after you. Xx
August 30, 2019 at 8:09 am #14783ash2013Participant
He knows you won’t do anything if he tells you he’s done lines. It’s like, I’m being honest with you, that’s good isn’t it…. well kind of, but no??
It’s a warped way of thinking and you’ll become wrapped up in it so tight you can’t breathe
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