My partner is denying that she’s dependent on weed, and doesn’t want to give it up

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    • #6059

      If this seems to be rambling, that’s because I have autism, and when I start saying how I feel, it just floods out, so sorry in advance.

      My partner is refusing to admit she has a problem with it, and yet she seems programmed to have three or four joints a night, regardless of whether she has work the following day or not. Her habit has nearly got me in an awkward position with my uncle. She has in the past said she would give it up, but so far has shown no signs of doing so. I’ve tossed and turned about whether to give her an ultimatum or not (yes, it’s got that bad). Most of the conflict is over her smoking weed. It seems as if she doesn’t care if she gets caught or not.

      It has got to the point where she has cut me off from people who I used to be friends with, and left me isolated. If I ask her to stop, she just says, “it’s one of my only vices, so you have to let me do it”. Do I? Not in my book. So before I completely lose the will to live (because this has been going on for just over a year), what should I do?

      Someone please help me because I’m at the end of my tether.

    • #18190

      Leave If you’re unhappy with her choices. Doesn’t sound as though she is willing to give up her “only device” which is BS by the way. As for her saying she isn’t addicted, well that’s not uncommon for addicts to state this! It’s called denial! Avoidance or whatever viewpoint you want to call it.

      You are not in control of her life but you are in control of your own, so make some decisions about what YOU want. If this is affecting you as badly as you say then it’s time to walk away and live a life free from something you dislike! Let her go and smoke her tree and get on with it. It will only destroy her in the end!

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