My partner left

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    • #7537

      I was with my ex partner for 4 years we have 2 beautiful children together I knew he took cocaine when we first started seeing each other but it was just a occasional party thing so it didn’t really bother me but as times gone on it’s become an every weekend thing to the point he’s stood alone in our kitchen all weekend coz I refuse to let him be around our children while he’s taking it!! Our relationship started deteriorating around a year ago when our second child was born as I was really struggling with 2 babies and he was at work all week then high all weekend so was literally no help to me what so ever with the children he wasn’t a nice person he was angry all the time he went to bed at 8/9pm through week then stayed up til 3/4am on weekends we didn’t sleep in the same bed coz the baby would keep him awake all night I was so so depressed and actually ended up taking medication to help me deal with everything!! We’ve been broken up 2 months now and it’s took me till now to realise that the whole cause of our shit show of a life for the last year or so has been down to his coke usage we had no life we spent no time together as a family all down to coke I love him dearly and want my loving kind happy partner back but he refuses to see he has a problem!! Like I say we’ve been apart 2 months and I am in such a good place now he isn’t around but he’s still the same broken moody horrible person he was yet he seems to be blaming my lack of love for the reason he left and I’m so confused what to do to help him or make him see xx

    • #29426

      Hi struggles, personally I would just get on with your life for you and your children. Let him go because he will never stop using,he will get more and more selfish as time goes normally strong but today I could just cry my husband is just vile all the time and there is no talking to him ???? x

      • #29430

        I’ve tried so hard just to let him go because he too says some vile horrible things while on a come down but I can’t help but love him he is my childrens dad and I don’t want to break up my family xx

    • #29431

      Hi struggles,I get what you are saying but hes not bothered about his family he just wants a fix. I’m absolutely drained and ready to cry today, I feel like I’m going to have a nervous breakdown because how erratic he is x

      • #29432

        He doesn’t see that he has a problem as it’s only the weekend that he does it but it’s Friday thru Sunday we never had a weekend together then Monday Tuesday we’re fine down days so we had 2 days a week that we’re okish days!! Oh no I hope you ok wish I could give you a big hug it’s awful that someone else can make you feel that way through their choices xx

    • #29433

      I’m normally so strong but today I just can’t take anymore, I feel like the white powder has won again. Worst thing is I don’t love him anymore or even like him or what he’s become x

      • #29434

        Are you still with him?? I agree with not liking what they have become it makes people not very nice at all xx

    • #29444

      If he really gave a crap he would be begging you at the doorstep.

      Do not settle for less

      Your children and you deserve more.

      It’s hard now but it will get better.

      My daughter is 5 and already saying “daddy doesn’t exercise he’s just drunk”

      Don’t let them witness it x

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