My partners dependency

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    • #4568

      I am the partner of someone who is heavily dependent on cannabis. As i write this he has just smoked a joint. We have a 3 month old child together and it is upsetting that i can not bring her around him when he is high/has drugs. I have tried for the last year to make him quit, spoken to him, his family have spoken to him, but his dependency is more important. Not even the love for his child has helped him quit and seek support. I feel completely lost. I am worried he will never quit. I have contacted helplines who can’t help him until he helps himself. He doesn’t see the problem but it is dividing us. His mood is affected, his appetite, he had a stroke at only 18 and i know if he continues smoking cannabis he could have another.
      I feel completely alone, it is controlling his life.

    • #9527

      I am sorry you feel so alone. I know how exhausting it is bringing up a young baby and you’re having to deal with your partner’s addiction at the same time. Your partner doesn’t seem to want to accept support but maybe you could use some for yourself. The Icarus Trust is a charity that supports the friends and families of addicts and it might help you if you make contact. We have experienced trained volunteers who you could talk to which might help you to see the way forward.
      You can contact us on or visit the website
      I do hope you get some support. Good luck with everything.

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