My son

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    • #4721

      My son has been using drugs for over 15 years.. Cocaine , legal highs, and other substances but not ever heroine . He had held a job down sometimes by the skin of his teeth. He has ripped my family apart with worry over the years and did a 4 month stint in Jaik for domestic violence over his drug habit.. He has no kids and us 34! He lies, he has been known to threaten all of us to get money for his habit yet says he’s not an addict. He’s never stole from us but is constantly in and out of debt. He takes days of work when on drugs the night before and because he works in our family business it’s very hard to sack him. His health is deteriorating as I can see signs of it . Pains in his arms , legs and very thin. He takes drugs at least three/four times a week and he says he’s not an addict but when he has a drink he confesses to hating his life. He’s got anger issues, he’s anxious and lacks confidence on a day to day basis.. We are extremely worried as he has been offered help with councillors but doesn’t tell them how bad he is.. How can I help my family help my son before he overdose,s as he has did it before on legal highs.. In 15 years we haven’t had a day that we do not worry about him..

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