My son

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    • #7673

      Hi my son has just about lost everything his 2 sons and some family and alot of friends. He is now going through the process of getting into rehabilitation

    • #30882

      I hope that your son takes the help that is offered, you have found a place where there are a lot of people who are going through similar things. Pease feel free to post here and we will understand.

    • #30906

      Hi there, I am sorry to hear you are struggling, I know of a fantastic charity that would love to support you . They are based in Oxford. Please have a look on their website – you can also fill in a referral form. I know numerous people who have had support from them and done exceedingly well. They offer free treatment.

    • #30916

      Hi there, I really feel for you but I’m glad to hear he’s starting to get proper help. I wish my son would.

      He’s been on a downward spiral for 10 years taking his family down with him. I’ve supported him as best I can but we just lurch from crisis to crisis.

      I’m visiting one last time tomorrow, to say I will not be lending him any more money, will not be buying food or electric for him. I will leave him with all the help numbers I’ve given him lots of times already – it’s up to him now. I can’t do it anymore.

    • #30919

      Good luck Ann1e, such a tough decision, but the right one. I have basically just done the same thing recently after years of supporting my brother, I am struggling and worrying but he is probably just carrying on as normal in his drug fuelled world

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