my son

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    • #4063

      my son is 22yrs old and until 10months ago was the most lovely son anyone could ask for. his behaviour however over the last few months has become erratic,aggressive,hitting his sisters and has paranoid episodes that come from nowhere. I know he is a heavy Maruahna user which has become increasingly worse, he began a relationship with a girl who messes with emotions and although she isnt to blame for him having this drug she too is smoking this and she emotionally blackmails him. I am new to all of the things he is doing to us as a family..blaming us for all of his emotional turmoil. I am not angry with him i am just so sad i love him with all my heart..i have had to ask him to leave the house because of the aggression, but when i see him my heart breaks because as a mum my instinct is to protect him. i never understood this drug could be so powerful and have so many side heart is truly broken because i cannot help him or protect him from himself, every day i pray that he will come to his senses and be once again the loving son and brother he once was.

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