My son !!!

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    • #4106

      Seen my boy twice now since last time i wrote on here, He is as thin as a stick, but a live 🙂 He is still not ready to try and get clean, Ive told him I love him ( dearly) and when he is ready, to contact me and I will go with him to try and get help again.. scared to do this but he has got no one else.. Hope I don’t have to wait to long xx

    • #7981

      Keep strong fiffi, I too have a son who is now 34, we have had 17 yrs of hell trying everything to help him overcome his addiction to heroin, at the moment I’m in that dark place as once more he has relapsed, I don’t know what else to try, I love the son I used to have but hate the addict he is at the moment, he says he loves me and is sorry for all the hurt he has caused but still he uses, I can’t see an end to this nightmare , I count my blessings every day as I still have a lot of good in my life, my other 2 sons are settled and happily married and I have 2 beautiful granddaughters and a new baby due next month, they are what keep me going, I must have got something right, sorry I’ve rambled on a bit, my prayers will include you tonight and hope that things turn around for you, take care xx

    • #7982

      Hey first of all don’t apoligize, your not rambling these are your thoughts and thank you so much for your comments… Im finding this site pretty helpful for me, because in every day life when i mention (James) my son, I feel as if people think “oh god not again” there tired of hearing about him.. it’s gone on to long, he has brought it on himself, forget about him. you’ve tried your best!! If only it was that easy hey frantic mum? your ailas name say’s it all 🙁 He is my only child/ man, the apple of my eye.. and I love him… It’s heroin and crack cocaine I HATE!!! thank you from the bottom of my heart for including us in your prayers.. I will do the same, let’s hope he hears us : ) xx

    • #7983

      I hope you are doing okay. It must be very hard for you. I am going through something similar and it is tearing me apart. I hope he gets clean for both your sakes.

      Take care


    • #7985

      Thank you for your kind words fifi, and Emma, I know what you mean about people not understanding, I think you have to have gone through this ordeal to understand why it’s so hard, throughout all this I’ve had a lot of so called friends say “I know what I would do ” etc, the thing is I have tried everything and at a loss now I think this is why I feel so down at the moment, and though it’s so sad that there seems to be many other families that mirror my situation it’s a comfort in a way to be able to share with people who really understand the damage that ALL drugs do not just to the user but all the others in their life, it does help a little writing about my feelings, take care and keep strong xx

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