My Son is 22 & has Cocaine addiction

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    • #5828

      Hi everyone, I have been dealing with my sons addiction now for about year and half but past few weeks it’s been bad and I have found out he has been lying to me again and taking stuff when I am in bed. My mental health is slipping past few weeks and I am struggling. My trust is away and I feel used. I keep bailing him out with money as I dont want to see him get hurt by dealers, but he is just using that. I have told my friends but they dont understand. I feel right now, I am going to bury my son. X

    • #16698

      Hi Scotland 81

      I’m in the same boat as you. My money is dwindling away on drugs for her. I have gotten her to get help, hoping this week they put her on meds to quit the addiction. I’m praying it works for her

    • #16706

      Hi, he has phone his addiction councillor today and he promises me that he is going to change as he doesnt want to be like this. It’s so hard as I have heard it all before, but have to try and support him at same time. Thanks for responding, as it’s good to know people understand

    • #16721


      Thanks for sharing your story. Sorry that things are hard for you right now, as well as your son.

      I’m glad that he is going to speak to his councillor, but maybe you could do with some help for yourself. At Icarus Trust we offer support for people who are dealing with a family member’s addiction. If you think that it would be helpful please get in touch. We can put you in contact with one of our trained and experienced people who would understand what you are living with. Talking with one of them might be of some help to you.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      I hope that this is helpful. All the best.

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