My story any support is welcome

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    • #5644

      So I’m 36 years old and have been regularly smoking crack for the past year or two, sometimes twice a week – often more. Currently I have smoked for 4 or 5 days in a row. I live quite a good life apart from my addiction, nice flat and car etc but I don’t know anyone where I live and I get so bored in the evenings… The only thing that interests me is having a smoke… The problem is that the next day I ignore any and all responsibilities I have and my life is starting to go downhill… I’ve got no support network, I mean Jesus I could never tell those closest to me what I am doing… It’s such a shameful habit. I recently split up with my ex thinking it would help – the reality is I am now using more than ever! I want to stop but without people around you in finding it extremely difficult. Seriously sometimes it feels like I would be better off dead… Sorry to be so morbid. I just wanted to share this that’s all. If anyone wants to chat I would be very grateful. Thanks for reading 🙂

    • #15814

      Problem is at this time of the night everyone is sleeping. I think I need some love in my life… Taking this and living like I do though severely restricts the chance of that though. I used to have an amazing girlfriend a couple of years ago – I always feel like if I was back with her I would be fine. Death must be easy because life is hard. I’d love to sleep all my problems away, the thing is we always wake up to be confronted with the reality of life and our obligations. Someone tell me there’s something better… I want to be happy in life but such a simple thing is so elusive.

    • #15816

      Hi I’m sorry you are feeling so down and I really haven’t got a lot of advice other than now you have made this step maybe you could continue and try to maybe phone one of the support lines for addiction. I can only speak as I’m a mother with a son who has a big cocaine addiction and also smokes weed like a chain smoker. He has had relationship break down as this has been a 10 year habit . He had a great job , great friends and family but has lost most of them to this horrible addiction. Im still there trying different suggestions I’ve arranged rehab but so far he isn’t ready. I’ve learnt over the years that I can’t make him live the life I want him to have. I think you have done wonderful to make this step . Please keep seeking support it really is there . My son always says that everything was better when he was with his partner and thinks if she was back all would be better but sadly the drugs have caused him to be very depressed and I think he wants to believe she would make it right but all I can continue to say to him is he is the one that can make everything right no one else. This horrible drug has stolen everything and he is the only one to re gain life . I wish you well in your journey and what a massive step you have taken . Good luck.

    • #15836

      Thanks 🙂

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