Need advice on if to seek urgent help

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    • #6010

      My mum is a heavy alcoholic and always has been as long as I can remember.

      She is currently on a litre of vodka and two bottles of wine daily and that’s just the standard. She can binge on top of that regularly with a lot more spirits.

      For the past year she has got progressive worse in health and is so bad today I am scared for her life and if I should seek emergency services.

      She does not eat a thing and has lost all muscle and fat on her legs so she cannot hold her own weight. She has lost control of her bladder and bowels and is vomiting daily, non stop, and when she isn’t she is drinking as much as she can before it starts again. Fainting all of the time shakes and agraphobic with so much medication for mental health on top! I know she will never go to the doctors or tell me how bad she is feeling and I am really needing some advice on how to help her to get the help she needs. Thank you

    • #18026

      Hello! I’m new too – I’m so sorry about your mum.

      My advice to you is to call your mums doctor and ask to speak to them. Explain that you know that they cannot tell you anything about your mum, but that you need to make them aware of her current condition.

      Insist you need to speak to her GP. You really need to make it clear that you are asking for their advice on what you can do for her. That way, they are then aware of how serious its become and they will be able to tell you how to get the support you so clearly need – and maybe arrange a home visit so they can see her condition for themselves. It takes the weight off your shoulders, you should not be having to deal with this.

      Your story is so similar to mine, except it’s my husband in your mum’s condition. (heavy drinker – 30 – 40 cans of lager a day, constant vomiting, not eating and muscle wastage, loss of bladder and bowel)

      I’m sending a big hug to you and lots of love.

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