need help for my mom

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    • #4268

      My dad died 6 years ago and ever since my mom has been an alcoholic, I have tried to get her to accept the problem and get help many times but she won’t. Last night I came home to find her lying on the sofa with sick all over herself, I thought she had died and it was a real turning point for me, I can’t keep going on like this but I don’t know how I can help her now

    • #8544

      Your mum has not got over her grief, she is using alcohol as a crutch. See if you can get her to see a Dr, she needs some help to recover. Also try alcoholics anonymous, I believe they can offer support for family members or can point you in the right direction. You don’t say your age but have you a Nan or aunt you can speak too. Don’t struggle alone, you can always come back here. Good luck xx

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