Need to guidance on how to avoid Cocaine forever.

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    • #6140

      I’m sort of new to all this so bear with me! I’ve been using coke on and off I wouldn’t call myself a total addict where I need it every day or week however my issue is that each time I’m out in a crowd of mates who even hint of doing it or have some then I can’t say no. In all cases I’ve had a few drinks.

      I basically had a scare the other week where I was in hospital as I over did it, I started sweating and had chest plains and shortness of breath. Never been so scared in me life. I got the all clear thankfully but this has woken me up. It’s hard telling me mates cause they just laugh it off as we’re a group of drinkers but I already suffer from anxiety/adhd stuff so I feel it’s worse for me.

      I just want to be able to go out have a drink and if the opportunity comes where I’m offered the drug I’ll be able to just say No?

    • #18843

      Plus coke when it’s wearing off sends you depressed for days, and can cause anxiety really bad. So this will just make it a lot worse for you. Just avoid anyone who uses

    • #18854

      Hi xybex

      I’m sorry to hear your story, its great that you’re addressing the problem.

      I also agree with you when you have anxiety or adhd or ocd it makes it more difficult to say no.

      My son has alcohol and drug addictions, the drug addiction is triggered by taking alcohol. He never does anything in moderation. Drinking, drugs, gambling etc whatever he does, he does it 100 %.

      That’s why he can’t go out with his usual pals, he can’t just have a normal quantity, he just keeps drinking unfortunately.

      He said the best thing is not to drink at all, but lately has been finding this very difficult.

      Stick with the AA and CA meetings, they’ll introduce you to others, offer you a sponsor and try a 12 step programme. I know it can work for some, my son managed 3 months clean.

      I wish you well, and keep reading the advice from others in the forum. There’s great support here too. Take care Lx

    • #18882

      Can I talk to a real person

    • #18883

      Hi dmill89

      There’s helpline telephone numbers listed on the home page

      I’m sure you can have a one to one conversation with someone who will support and give you advice.

      I wish you well.


    • #18909

      Hi Dmill89,

      If you would like to receive support over the telephone, please visit this page on our website:

      It lists a number of helplines, all of which are confidential and free to call.

      Best wishes,


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