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    • #6298

      Hi. My son has admitted to me that he is using cocaine. He’s 21. He’s pretty broken, looks dreadful and has spent the best part of £1000 in 2 weeks. I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared.

    • #19786

      hi lovely as the wife of a addict i feel youre pain its a scary place for us loved ones i can promise you that reaching out on this forum will help you there is a lot of good people in here and we all want the same thing and thats our loved ones well please reach out to youre local mental health team and drug team they are there to help and not judge he has to want help and nothing will change until he does and please dont blame yourself its there addiction not ours we just live it with a clear head ime allways here if you need support ime on day 3 of him getting help we have got a long way to go but we will get there xx

      • #19851

        Thank you for your lovely message. I’ve spoken to the team in my town, and my boy came and spoke to them too. All on the phone obviously at the moment – not sure how effective that will be. He wants help and is speaking to a counsellor on Thursday, but at the moment he can’t see his way out because he can’t imagine anything can make him feel as happy as cocaine. It breaks my heart. He is getting the stuff on tic which terrifies the life out of me. I’ve bailed him out for 2 months now because I can’t bear the thought of him getting hurt, but I’ve told him no more, it’s his choice now.

        How are you getting on?

        • #19858

          morning hunny ime happy your son is reaching out for help we have the mental health team come to our home everyday as the cocain phycosis took over and he took a overdose last monday and that realy was our rock bottom and the time i said no more i think he realy scared hiself hes at the doctors today and i think hes going to be upset with how much damage hes done these drug dealers are scum they dont care there ripping familys apart its our wedding anniversary today weve been together 14yrs but married a year all we can do is pray they mean what thay say and continue to get help my husband has spent thousands and left us pennyless but as a wife and a mum i wont let it beat us that i promise you xx

    • #19787

      Hi Deborah,

      Welcome to the Forum, I’m sure you will get lots of help here, and it’s a great place to chat with other people in the same situation.

      If you go on the thread that Teresa started, there is about 5 or 6 Mums all with sons with addiction.

      My Son is an addict, alcohol and cocaine, and I understand completely where you are coming from.

      I think he has told you because he obviously needs help, all you can do is point him in the right direction as Kellie said, they have to want to be helped.

      Take care of yourself and keep in touch on the Forum.


      • #19861

        Thank you for your message. Good to know others are going through this too. How do you cope? My beautiful, happy boy has gone and in his place is a starving creature who lies and lies, yet comes here and sobs and sobs in my arms. My heart is breaking. He’s going to lose everything. He’s racking up debt. I’ve bailed him a couple of times but I’ve told him no more. I’m out of my mind with worry.

    • #19863

      Hi Deborah,

      I’ve been reading your thread. Kellie and Debc have given you great advice. Yes, so many of us here trying to cope with loved ones addictions.

      My son is almost 28 has alcohol and cocaine addictions. Reached out over a year ago for help.

      Did AA, CA and NA meetings daily, got a sponsor, did the 12 steps program, got a sponsor and met lots of people facing the same issues for support.

      Currently he’s 5 weeks clean, unfortunately he relapsed a few times over the year but I believe this happens.

      I wanted you to know, I’ve been there too. The debt, paying off dealers, the lies, agressiveness,

      , health suffering , warnings at work, etc.

      All of the earlier support is back in place, he knows its now or never to get his life back on track.

      It’s real hard for them but its easier to support them when you see them trying hard to stop.

      Please stay positive and be strong, but no more cash, your lovely lad is still in that troubled boy fighting addiction.

      Take care


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