New here, son owes thousands to drug dealers

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    • #5940


      Just retired. Our son has built up 1.000’s in debt to drug dealers. We have bailed him out to the tune of £1,000’s already. He’s now moved in with us as his wife has left him and he was becoming very paranoid. Sending us audio and video messages with nothing on them. He now owes a drug dealer £8000. He isn’t working. I can’t but not prepared to pay out our hard earned cash to drug dealers again. My son says he’s learned his lesson but we’ve heard it all before. It’s cocaine he’s been taking. We are at our wits end with it all. I have cancer and know stress makes it worse. I’ve no idea how he will get the druggies off his back

    • #17638

      This is not an answer but a question, looking like we may be at an early stage of this kind of problem with a son. Is it best never to help with these kind of debts? Then what help is available from other organisations?

      Wondering if the dealers get found out and if so how?

      Sorry this isn’t much help in your situation.

    • #17648

      I can tell you from experience. There is almost no way he owes that much to anyone. The biggest likelihood is that he owes a small amount to someone. And he thinks that buying drugs with the rest and selling it is how he is going to pay you back. Don’t give him the money, and call the police at the first sign of any trouble, which there probably won’t be.

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