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    • #6793

      Hi this is an introduction I am Carl and I have struggled with addiction for 23 years. I posted my story entitled ‘On the brink!’ so that I could unburden myself.

      I just wanted to say that i am 18 months clean and sober, feeling great and keen to offer insight to those who feel there is no-where to turn.

      If you neer to talk or rant or just needs some friendly advice then hit me up. I have been through alot and i’m still standing and rebuilding my life. It is never too late to make a change.

    • #23498

      Hi carlb

      Wow well done for being sober for 18 months thats amazing. I read your post on the brink you have been through a lot. But getting sober and staying sober is amazing achievement.

      I posted on this forum last year about my husband who has a cocaine addiction. He would mainly do it at weekends and any time he had off work if for a week or a few days he would be taking it. The addiction got worse because of lockdown last year he said it was because he couldn’t play golf or go to the gym. He has now been sober for 10 weeks. But the drugs and alcohol abuse I think has really damaged him mentally I have been reading up

      About psychosis and I think he has it. Since his cocaine addiction got bad for 2 years he was taking it almost every weekend and drinking heavy . He has accused me everyday of cheating on him

      He’s become obsessed that I am sleeping with other men when he’s at work. He’s angry and frustrated a lot and takes it out on me he bites on his jaw and is paranoid people are just out to get him or people are listening in on our conversations on the phone.

      This has really affected me I can’t do anything right I feel

      I’m on egg shells and everything depends on what mood he’s in.

      One minute he’s fine we are all

      Good then something will trigger him maybe a memory from

      The past or something that winds him up he will just be so angry and take it out on me.

      I’m so drained and sufferer anxiety from all this it’s affected my lower back I am now suffering with pain there I feel I can never put my self first as it’s all

      to do with him. I’m proud and happy for him that he has been sober 10 weeks but I’m still

      On edge and worry that he will release some times if he angry he will

      Pick a fight with me and threaten I might as well be back on the powder just if I do something wrong. He never use to be like this but since the alcohol and drug abuse it’s just changed the way he is.

      Will this get better will he ever recover or will

      It always be like this? Did you suffer from any of this?

      I just feel so sad that this is how our life is cocaine has ruined my life and my husbands so sad.

      Thanks for taking the time to read my post

    • #23505

      Hi and thanks for reading my story. I can tell you that it is normal for somebody who is making an effort to get clean to go through some very dramatic personality issues to begin with.

      After long term addiction the chemical balance of the brain takes time to return to normal and it is common to be irritable and paranoid.

      I myself was so paranoid that I began using a different name.

      This should regulate itself in time and after a few months you should see a real difference.

      Be on the lookout for major moodswings and agressions with hyperactivity as these can be signs of continued use. When somebody is telling people their clean but secretly still using then they feel tremendous guilt and shame which makes it almost impossible to get help and so they will act out.

      You are doing great to stane by your partner and he will appreciate that in the long term.

      Right now time is the best healer as your partner needs to learn to cope sobriety. Everything seems so much harder in the begining but as things progress they will get better.

      I hope this has been of some help.

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