New to this and feeling desperate

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    • #5702

      I got into a relationship with a man. Early days but I’ve never had a relationship that felt so right and natural. It has felt like the perfect relationship. No one treated me so well and has ever loved me like he obviously does.

      There was the odd thing that didn’t make sense. There was an odd aroma around him sometimes that I couldn’t define. Also he has a very high paying job but lives in a shared house that isn’t in the greatest condition. Previously, he had opened up to me about having had a terrible time in the last few years. He had to look after sick relative on his own when very young and then that relative died.

      Last night he came home from work and said he had to be honest about everything. He burst into tears and told me he hasn’t been coping and has had depression since his relative died. He went to the doctors but treatment didn’t seem to help. Instead he turned to heroin, which he has been smoking multiple times each day for three years.

      I have no knowledge or experience of this. It has rocked my world completely and my mind is a mess over it. I would like to support him to recover but I know recovery isn’t easy and he has to really want it. But I don’t think I could stay in a relationship long term with someone who uses, which is a shame when he is such a lovely guy.

      Any advice or signposts to support will be much appreciated.

    • #16145

      You can’t save him he can only save him self. I’m after spending the last 4 years trying to save my boyfriend from heroin. He too was such a lovely guy… that guy is now long. Get out of it while you can… seriously it doesn’t get any better unfortunately.

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