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    • #5155

      Hi I’m new here. I’ve just confronted my husband about his secret drinking. When I say confronted, I waited until he was away and sent him an email as I thought I’d be able to explain myself more clearly and I didn’t want any to give him any opportunity to make excuses. He has texted me to say he’s seen the email and he’s sorry and knows he doesn’t deserve any more chances. I hope I’m not being naive in thinking this is the beginning of recovery and things will start to improve from now? A lot of what I read on the internet is about wives eventually throwing their husbands out after years of disappointment, but I’m really hoping that my story will be happier. Does anyone have experience of a happy ending?…

    • #11921

      I always think there is the chance for a happy ending once someone has admitted they have a problem and agree to getting help.

      That’s not to say there might not be difficulties along the way and it might take a lot of invested time and support but it’s not impossible.

      Being honest, I wouldn’t necessarily say his reply means it’s the beginning of his recovery. You could tell him that you are willing to support him with going to his GP or to an alcohol service and see if he is ready for that?

      If he is ready, you could move forward from there and then there is a light at the end of the tunnel

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