Newbie desperately need help

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    • #4833

      Apologies to start with this is long story

      My husband has always been a heavy drinker

      Last summer he began drinking more and more mainly with my so called best friend

      He started acting out of character and kept going missing

      Two weeks ago he went missing again and texted to say he was going to kill him self

      Police were called and he was policed sectioned overnight after drinking a bottle of scotch and 15 Stella’s

      All the mental health team and gp have told him he must stop drinking and through this he told me he had slept with my so called best friend whilst drunk

      He agreed to stop drinking go to relate,get help with his mental health and to get tested for std’s

      He has done 12 days without drinking .on return from 4 days away together he has started drinking

      I am at a loss of what to do and feel I can’t talk to friends for fear of myself being judged

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