Newbie here with the same old story.

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    • #6739


      I stubbled across this forum a few months ago, I’ve been reading your posts and I feel like I could of written hundreds of them myself!

      My partner is addicted to cocaine, he’s downstairs getting high as I type this.

      It’s the same old story. I knew he did it when we met, socially on nights out then slowly started doing more and more until here we are. I’m in bed, he’s downstairs getting high.

      I don’t really know what I want to get out of this post as I already know what I’m doing, I’m in the process of leaving him. For the sake of myself and my children we can’t live with his addiction anymore.

      I love him and I understand why there are lots of women sticking by they’re partners, but for me I think I’ve realised I love my children more and I can’t subject them to this life of a father and step father who is amazing one minute and miserable, moody, abusive the next.

      I truly hope my partner can come off the gear but at the moment he doesn’t think he has a problem and doesn’t want to stop. So he won’t.

      So now I’m done with the lies, the excuses, the abuse, I’m sick of always being skint. I’ve had enough of finding straws and wraps hidden in the bedroom. I don’t want to keep hearing ‘this is the last time, I promise’ I’m just done. I want a peaceful life with my kids.

      Typing that felt a bit like therapy! Thanks for reading if you got this far x

    • #23214

      Good for you I know you love him but your feel so much better off and relieved once you’ve left

    • #23220

      Be strong and move on

    • #23221

      Hi Lovemybabies,

      Well done you, putting your children first is the right thing to do.

      , you will feel so much better for making this decision.

      Stay strong and take care.


    • #23225

      Thank you for the replies everyone. Good luck with your journeys x

    • #23227

      I know how this feels! You are so strong!!!

    • #23280

      I have to thank you all, it is very nice to know that others understand. It is something you can’t share with friends and family because of embarrassment

    • #23288


      Thanks for sharing and well done for being strong and making a tough decision. If you would like some support for yourself you may like to contact us at Icarus trust. We are a charity that offers support to people going through what you are, having to deal with the impact of living with a family member’s addiction. If you would feel it helpful you could talk with one of our trained and experienced people that are really good listeners and would let you know what other support is available.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      Hope all goes well for you. good luck.

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