Newbie – looking for support

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    • #6069

      Hello, I’m a newbie posting for the first time. My mum has been an alcoholic for roughly 26 years or more, she was in hospital being treated for the effects of long term drinking. She has been off it for about 9 months now but recently she had a drink and now she is constantly wanting to go out to get a drink. She doesn’t have any friends who are sober or any that would lead her in the right direction! Just wondering what some of you have done to help a family member with this.

    • #18283

      Hey Bud

      Thanks for posting

      Sorry to hear about the situation. It seems that though your mum hasn’t had a drink she was just abstinent rather than sober so to speak, there is a big difference.

      Having a drink has triggered it all off again, that tends to happen for alcoholics.

      Has she, or would she ever attend AA?

    • #18291

      She doesn’t like the Idea of telling people that she has a problem. She’s happy to go to other groups though, such as a Adfam.

    • #18292

      The good thing about AA is that everyone there had he same problem – and therefore can get support. When she is ready perhaps she can try some online meetings?

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