no real change

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      My son is nearly 33 years old. He has had a drug habit for around 17 years. He has been in and out of jail for years. His offences were all connected to his drug habit. He has burgled his sisters house, stealing her handbag, laptop and electronic gadgets from her children. He was out of jail on a drug rehab order (what a bloody joke) within 6 weeks and landed at my with a bin bag over his shoulder. He did say he was sorry and he appeared to be genuine.
      He received a benefit payment and bought himself an expensive pair of trainers. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and suggested he should be trying to repay his sister for the items he stole from her. This lead to an abusive outburst from him, however he did storm out and eventually got himself a flat with the help of the probation service.
      He has recently (pre Xmas) been calling round to my house again and appears to want to build bridges. Meantime he has been pinching cigs out of my packet and even taking a pocketful of teabags!. He is never shy at asking me for things either. I’m at the end of my patience with him. He has rinsed both me and his sisters over the years and seems to have no boundaries as to what he will take from us or which drawers or cupboards he can root in when no ones looking.
      I don’t want him in my house anymore…I think…..and I m sorry for the moan. Any ideas on how to deal with this please?
      Mrs R.

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