Not sure

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    • #7471

      Hi all. I’m not sure what is going on with my life. I have a wife and children who I love dearly but some how find my self drinking and taking drugs (mainly cocaine) in secret whenever I can. I blame my past and previous use of other drugs to make me forget. Is there a way of moving on to a “normal” life. Thank you

    • #29003

      Hi Newone,

      I’m not sure I have any direct advice, as it’s my partner rather than me who is going through addiction. But there is help out there – your GP (if you have one) can direct you to support/treatment. Or there’s Frank ( where you can find local help.

      First instance, though, your wife deserves to know the truth. She may already suspect it, but she deserves to be told. And to not be alone in that – it’s a horrible feeling, from experience. Being honest and transparent is hard, but the other option is to slowly wear away her trust and your relationship, and it sounds like you don’t want that.

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