Not sure i can forgive anymore

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    • #7267

      This past few weeks has been a rollercoaster i’ve gone from sad to full on angry i’ve been paying are mortgage alone for 4 years while my now ex is out drinking doing drugs till early hours i’m beyond frustrated he won’t leave and sadly as it’s a joint mortgage he knows i can not kick him out so it’s leaving me no choice but to sell which leaves me and my children without a home as i’m in my 40s and what equity i’ll get from the house won’t buy us another . we have pets so renting is a no go and the kids have been though enough to lose there home and pets . he don’t care about the house he’s only here to sleep it off after days on a bender . what do i do any help please advice needed

    • #27188

      Heya how are you doing?

    • #27189

      You only get one life don’t let it be ruined any longer xx

    • #27193

      thank u for your reply it’s been very helpful . i’m not leaving my home and will fight him every step of the way . he’s been nice all week trying to cuddle me i’ve just avoided been near him he makes me feel sick how he acts like he’s doing nothing wrong

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