Not sure if I can do anymore

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    • #6201

      Hello, so my partner of nearly 10 years is an addict, not to just one thing, drugs, alcohol and gambling is what we have to deal with. He tries to stop but when he’s not drinking and doing drugs then he is gambling, when he gets away from gambling its back to the drinking and drugs. I just feel like I never get a break its just a constant circle of what do we have to deal with now, and I know this may sound selfish but sometimes I can’t help but think what about me, there’s never a moment when the effort is put into me feeling better, as you can imagine it’s very stressful dealing with this constant roller-coaster and I just don’t know if I can do it any longer I want to be there I want to support him but I feel so drained and I’ve completely lost myself over the years. Everytime he stops something I feel relieved and excited that this could be it, finally a normal life but then within days the other problem is reoccurring. I don’t have support from anyone as its always been something we’ve not shared with anyone so I’m not sure what I’m looking for on here maybe just to offload for the first time in 10 years. Thank you for reading, any advice or reply would be great.

    • #19233

      Hi Sandm,

      Welcome to the forum, it’s great that you have offloaded, I bet you feel better for doing that.

      Has your partner ever tried to get help or really does he want help? Until he recognises he has a problem and wants to do something about it, then I’m afraid from experience that your life will just continue to go round in circles.

      There is the Icarus Trust which helps family members to cope with these situations and lots of people on this forum too.

      Look after yourself first, take care and stay in touch with the Forum.


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