Our son

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    • #4718

      We knew our son had a struggle with alcohol but it’s become evident that he’s been using cocaine and other drugs since his mid teens. He wants to get clean and is now without a job. As his parents, we will always love, help and support him , and so will his partner, she has been amazing. Our son is 27 now and recently he was pressurized , by a dealer,to pay a considerable sum of money – owed for cocaine.He no longer has access to cash, being overdrawn, and his partner having taken his bank card, so he asked us to give him this sum of money on the pretext of a mistaken withdrawal from a business account he has. We did this to get him out of the clutches of this dealer, making sure that his partner paid the dealer and took our son home. He has made an appointment with a drug & alcohol counselor for later this month. Our son is a university graduate and We will remain hopeful that he’ll come out of this terrible addiction

    • #9834

      My son has also struggled since early teens and we found he has been pressured by a dealer to start running it. When we found the stuff he said it was not his , He took it back is father went with him . I was shocked know that I knew who it was now I don’t know weather make a Anonymous phone call , as he is still out there dealing the stuff.

    • #9843

      Thanks for your posts Therase and Justine.
      I hope that your very positive attitude continues but if you need support for yourselves please contact The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that provides support for people like yourselves, dealing with the addiction of a loved one.
      You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
      Good luck.

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