Overcoming one addiction and going to another

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    • #5728

      I wanted to see if anyone has had experience of this. To start from the beginning I have been with my partner for over 4 years. He had a history of substance abuse in his past including steroids, morphine and cocaine. He overcame a bad cocaine addiction whilst we have been together and has done brillantly..not to say it has been a very hard an emotional time but we did it only for him to start replacing cocaine with alcohol. It didnt get to the point of alcoholism as he was still seeking help via counselling and we caught it before it started to become an issue. Now he has always had problems with spending money and i believe as an addict you can always project your addiction onto something. He has started buying items in bulk that we do not need. He seems to hord things like cleaning products and buys them in bulk online. When ive asked him not to he gets very angry and defensive and says well would I rather him buy cocaine? He says its the lesser evil but i just want him to stop before it gets bad but he cannot see the problem which is what frightens me. Am I being controlling? Is it me who is overreacting? Im telling myself that I need to stop it before it gets out of control but is that me giving myself a pass to control him? It makes me so upset because it brings back all the painful memories of dealing with a cocaine addict which are still very raw. I still always expect to come home to find him twisted and get so paranoid if he doesnt pick up the first time I ring him. Is it me with the problem now?i know this is nothing compared to what a lot of you are going through I just have no one to talk to. Please somebody help. Xxx

    • #16248

      You are so not alone. When i met my husband he was sober. He was o. Medication to help with opioid addiction. Then within a year he was doing heroin. He lost a job and we had to move. We have been doing the same dance for 7 years now. We never stayed at a rental more then a year. Luckly i was i. College and getting checks to pay for yhe moves. He stopped heroin 3 years ago but the switched to cocain. He stops eb

      Very now and then can go a month but then he swaps that for beer and if he doesnt get those its sex. I feel underappreciated when i do what i can to help. We have a 2 year old he complai s about not have sex all the time now bc she refuses to sleep through the night. Even high he wants sex. He gets mad when he has to watch porn. I mean i tried to compro.ise and have sex mon. Wens.. Fri and everyother weekend. It wasnt enough he cant even settle for every other day and he just got off a bender of coke and beer over the weekend. I am lost.. So you are not alone

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