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    • #6105

      Hi I have been in a relationship with my partner 13 years we have three children together and I am at my wits end right now this is why I am joining this forum to see if any one else has had a similar experience and can help me in what to do next. My partner is a binge drinker he doesn’t see himself as a alcoholic but with his drinking he takes drugs and gambles. He becomes paranoid and searches the house. His behaviour got progressively worse over this weekend to the point he was saying he wanted to kill himself he even went as far as scratching himself with a knife. I am scared what will happen next if I don’t get me and my children away from him so I left and stayed at his mothers. I have came back to him sober and in full regret of what happened and him saying he needs help but the support group near us has been involved before and didn’t help at all. So what is next what do I do next or were does he go next to get support or help? I asked him to leave our home yesterday but he doesn’t have no where else to go he has lost all of his friends through his drinking and has no family apart from his mother who’s partner will not let him stay there I don’t want to see him on the streets as I know things will only get worse but I don’t no what else to do now this has become serious as I’m sat here thinking what If he does something to me next in the state he gets in he has never hurt me physically but I don’t believe the person he becomes when he’s been drinking and taking drugs is him so he could do any thing? Please someone guide me I’m physically and mentally drained

    • #18615

      Hey Lauren

      Firstly alot of people who binge drank didn’t think they were alcoholics until they learned what an alcoholic really is, and it’s not what you think.

      Secondly what drugs is he using?

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