I’ve been with my partner for 3 years now and found he had a cocaine addiction 6 months in to the relationship. I know I should of left then, but really did not realise how bad it was until it was disclosed he had been in addiction for 16 years, losing a long marriage and another relationship due to this.
nearly third year in and the emotional abuse is at his worst, we have to cancel a lot of trips even to see his children because he spends all the money. He borrows and never repays, every time there is no cocaine he is like a different person doesn’t talk to me, won’t let me express my feelings and completely shuts down on me. Any longer then a few days without he tells me he doesn’t know what he wants anymore.
He has no responsibility, no job. I work, run the house and pay nearly all the bills, but the disrespect is awful.
I try to support him and could of paid for rehab 20 times over by now. He gets angry, calls me boring all the time. It really hurts . I know I should just leave him, but he has made me feel worthless and I’ll feel really lost. I know he can’t have a relationship until he decides to stick with recovery. Gambling is his other addiction when using too.
I feel helpless without communication.