Partner coming off Crack Cocaine and Heroin

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    • #7114


      I have known my partner many years. He is a prolific liar. It is endless. He told me a few weeks ago about his habit.

      He started medication yesterday. I don’t think I want to hang around to support him. He is secretive, rude, aggressive, angry and much more. I am not appreciated.

      He has put me into thousands of debt and I have even pawned lots of my lovely jewellery.

      He has friends staying with him paying him rent. I made one statement that I am sick of them being there as they never go out and are always at home. They told me that it is none of my business what goes on at the flat. I know these people about 3 weeks. It’s offensive and totally crazy.

      He said he was trying to protect me as I am naive to it all. I have now seen him use the gear.

      I don’t live with him but this week all my direct debits failed. He threatened to go out stealing if he couldn’t get cash. He has a record and was in prison many years ago and I wasn’t prepared to see him get arrested.

      It is affecting everything. I can’t provide for my teenage daughter. I know that I have to cut all contact. I changed my phone number and cut all contact a couple of months ago but he found a way of messaging me and wheedled his way back in. I have had enough

    • #25822


      So sorry to read your story and to see how difficult things are for you due to your partner’s addiction. If you would like to have some help for yourself please contact us at Icarus Trust. we are a charity that offers support to people going through what you are having to deal with addiction in the family. If you get in touch one of our experienced and trained Family Friends will contact you. Maybe talking with one of them might help you to move forwards.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best to you.

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