Partner Drug Addiction

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    • #6615


      A while back I found out my partner/ex was taking drugs. I always had a feeling she was in secret. She owed a large substantial amount and they were threatening her and my kids. I sorted out payment putting myself in debt at the time with the promise it would end and she would get help with her problem.

      We attempted to fix things and she became pregnant. This stopped all the problems but unfortunately we lost the baby. She then went back to drinking and told me to leave. Again I have discovered she went back to the drugs and owed more money. Again I paid to protect my 2 children. Now I am in debt unable to help them financially and she never has any money to buy them clothes and even food now.

      She has promised again to get help but I think it’s another lie. I am so down and scared of what could happen. Should I be getting the social involved at this point? I know if I do she won’t let me see them and I love my kids so much and can’t afford to go to court due to all the debts.

      Any advice would be appreciated.

    • #22161

      I’m so sorry to read your post and see how badly affected you are by your ex partner’s drug habit. Things must have been very tough for you as well as losing the baby and worrying about the debt.

      I work for a charity called Icarus Trust who support people like yourself who are affected by a family member’s addiction. We have trained and experienced people who would listen and try to help you find a way through this.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best.

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