Partner has a drinkin problem

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    • #4792

      I have been with my partner for three years and we were friends for 2 yea piror, we have a two year old and a 4month old and ny partner drinks alot. Before we got together he would drink between 2-4bottles of wine s night and then cut down after I spoke to him about his drinking. He drinks every night sometimes he is tipsy and other time he is drunk, on nights he gets drunk the next day hr would regreat it and say that he will stop…but a few days later its back to normal. He believes thst because he has a full time job and doesnt need a drink in the morning that he isnt addicted. He drinks a bottle of wine or spirit every night and always tries to hide the bottle from me but i cam tell when he drinks by his behaviour. I have talked to him but he says that he likes a drink but doesnt have a problem. What can i do?? All the stress of nnot knowin if he is comin home sober or not is affecting my health and my feelsings towards him and i dont want the kids to see thst theu have an alchoholic for a father

    • #9966

      I separated from my husband at the start of this year for the very same reason. He too believes that you’re only an alcoholic if you have a drink in the morning (which ironically he sometimes does, but thinks I don’t know). I wish I had some answers for you, but sadly I am in the same torturous turmoil myself and my children who are aged between 14 – 27 blame me for not ‘dealing’ with it before now. I hope that you and your children are ok xxx

    • #9967

      Thank you for your reply and I am sorry to hear about your seperation ( i do hope he realises what he has lost and fixes up.) Addiction is a terrible thing and I do hope my partner can sort it out but currently not so sure. We are ok thus far the children are 2 years and 4 months so are not aware but dont want it to get to that stage

    • #9970

      My husband and i seperated just over a year ago, due to his moods and anger issues because of cannabis. He has smoked cannabis for 35 years and is in denial that it has caused his mental health problems. He is having help from a drug councilor which he sees once a fortnight, but to his family he still smokes pretty much the same amount . I really don’t think they will ever change once the addiction has caught hold.

    • #9971

      @Kas sorry to hear about your seperation and situation. Addiction sucks!!!!!!! Whatever it is be it drugs..gambling…drink they all cause problems. I hope he does fix up but if he gets worse i too shall be showing him the door as i dont want my children to grow up and seeing this

    • #9979

      Hi to all of you,
      I’m sorry to read each of your posts and to hear of the impact your partners addictions are having on you and your families.
      If you think it would help to talk about how you are feeling please contact The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that supports people who are having to deal with a loved one’s addiction. We have a team of experienced people who you could talk to if you get in touch.
      You can contact us on or visit the website
      Good luck to you all.

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