Partner is abusing drugs

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    • #37137

      Hello. English is not my first language, so i apologise in advance, for grammar errors.
      I’m 30 years old, I have a 3 year old daughter with partner that i’m with for 13years. He is smoking pot for almost 10 years and i was used to it. But 2 months ago, he tried mdma for the first time(?) with his friend. 1 month ago, he went to rave party and he used mdma again. He promised that he will never do this again.
      Because he is very weird and is staying up all night every night, is sleeping all day, he don,t spend time with me and my daughter, I went to his gaming room when he was not at home and I found something. Many empty small zip bags and some hidden drug wrapped in alufoil. I dont know what it is, some white chunks. I will add picture if someone can tell me please. Next day I asked him, if he have any drugs in our house and he SWORE to our daughter that he don’t. I didn’t tell him that I know, I am scared. He is very impulsive, and I don’T want my daughter to be a part of fights. What can I do? Do I tell his parents? I am so stressed and depressed.

    • #37138

    • #37143

      Hi Meeshka. So sorry that you are living this nightmare. It is traumatic to realize that the person that you trust the most is on drugs and lying about it. So scary.  My story began the same as yours. We were together already for 10 years and to that point, my spouse only smoked pot.  Then weird behavior and always gone. It would be years before I would know what was really happening.  I should have gotten myself out of this situation all those years ago. I wasn’t safe and he was lying and abusive. You and your child are not safe either. He is lying to you and leaving dangerous substances within reach of your child. A hospital visit or worse if your child finds and ingests the drugs.

      • #37148

        Thank you for your comment. Yesterday I told him that I found drugs, he denied it of coure, he told me that he just had those drugs here for one day and he gave them to someone else. What a coincidence, that I went trough his stuff that day right? Well, I asked him to move out, told him that it is over. He had tantrum like always, promised that he would change,…no, not this time, I won’t fall for it. I called his father, he is coming tomorrow and will be having conversation with him. I am very sorry for him, but I’m out. You are right, I have to think about my daughter and her safety. He have to help himself.

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