Partner Shows Signs of Meth Relapse

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    • #6071

      New here. No one to talk to.

      My partner and I have been together for almost 5 years. He has been sober from meth since October 2017. He went to inpatient and outpatient programs.

      We have been working on individual goals for a future together. We lived together during COVID quarantine and things were stable. After quarantine I moved back to my place a few blocks away from his home.

      His cousin had been missing because of her herion addiction. He found out where she was so we went with the police to get her. She refused treatment he begged her to go. She left and he said that she has called him and he meets her to give her money for alcohol and meth. He says he is glad she’s not on heroine now.

      Since he has been giving her money he is doing the same behavior that he had when he was active in meth addiction. He’s on XXX sites when he says he’s working. He is only around when he is hungry and tired. As soon as he is awake he is out the door. He is on felony probation. If he gets caught he faces 7 years in prison.

      I tried to ask him if he has any interest in using meth and he was very defensive.

      I’m at the place where I don’t want him here. I do not like the mess he is when he is using.

    • #18348

      I would imagine your gut instinct is right – behaviour and personality change plus the fact that it mirrors what he was like before means he is probably doing it again .

      The only way you can know for sure is ask him to do a drugs test if he refuses you have your answer anyway and he must face consequences for this . You’ve already said you don’t want him there if he is using or the life that goes with his using so for your own sake you need to put yourself first or you will end up Trapped with him in an addiction cycle

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