Partner smoking heroin

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    • #7263

      A guy i’ve been seeing for 2 years suffers from extreme back pain. Due to covid he couldnt seem to get doctors appointments or a doctor to properly examine or take it seriously. Due to this he was self medicating with cannabis, strong opiate pills, pregabs and alcohol. He ended up going to prison for a while where he smoked spice paper for the pain. He came out and smoked some crack. I am not a drug user at all and have stayed loyal to him and done all i can to help him as in between being an idiot with the drugs he is a lovely funny person who makes me smile and who i love and care about. I bent over backwards to manage to get him medical appointments. His doctor was terrible they had even cut off the internet appointment system so he wasnt lying about not being able to get an appointment. I ended up taking him to hospital where they agreed there was a problem and he needed a referal from a physio to get an MRI scan. Managed to get z face to face app with his GP..

      Amyway whilst waiting for all this the pain got so bad he ended up smoking and getting addicted to heroin. He missed his GP appointment because of his stupidness with the heroin it seems to have sent him into a state of not giving a shit anymore. Managed to re-book and now hes just completely blocking me out and havent heard from him for 2 days. Is this what heroin does? I love him and have done nothing but care and now hes just blanking me out im so upset and hurt.

    • #27124

      Hello jayjay. I can greatly emphasize with you, my boyfriend is using again and unfortunately that behavior is very common. My boyfriend has foot pain and was prescribed opiates young, he has been in prison, and he is in pain most days. Your boyfriend will probably reach out to you, but this cycle will keep repeating. Heroin addicts love nothing more than heroin. It changes the makeup of the brain and changes who people are. My boyfriend is a very good liar and its scary…..he is very loving and funny and then goes to the bathroom and comes back short tempered and out of it. It is a tricky slope and I hope he doesn’t take you down with him. Think about your future and if this is something you want to live with, it is draining. Addicts can only help themselves if they want to get better. You can have the best resources and the best doctors, but if he doesn’t care then it is useless. It does not seem like your boyfriend wants to quit anytime soon. My best advice would be to look into a narcan kit and try to focus on yourself. If he is using heroin it is easy to switch to cheaper methods or even shooting up (he can easily overdose). I have seen heroin addicts agree to go to appointments like these just to use heroin when they get home. I am sorry, I really feel for you and its hard. I hope you are taking care of yourself. I am an EMT and living with an addict and I have seen all sorts of things of what heroin does to people.

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