Please help

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    • #7580

      I drink too much

    • #29936

      Hi Hello

      Welcome to the forum. This is first step to recovery when you admit that you need help. This is a good start.

      Next , you could seek out your local AA groups- they are so supportive and helpful- these guys will help you through your recovery. You don’t need to feel alone.

      My son reached out for help with his addiction to alcohol and cocaine. He is currently 1yr clean.

      Please seek help before this evil drug consumes your whole life.

      Take care

      Lx ❤️

    • #29973

      Hello hi

      I gave up alcohol several years ago

      My mother was an alcoholic and seeing her at her worse scared me

      I knew that year on year I was drinking more but more than anything I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired

      Like all journeys worth taking the first step is the most important and you have taken that step

      You need support and you need help

      Do everything you can to get that

      Then you can return to the life you want for yourself

      I am sending a hug over the ether for you

      Take care

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