Please help me

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    • #5917

      I met my partner at university 20 years ago…and he would sometimes behave jealous and weird and after 4 years together eventually we broke up. We met again when we were older and married. I have been working abroad as a teacher and my husband has remained in the UK, losing his job. When I came back over Christmas he was awful and kept accusing me of cheating….said he had recordings of me and was convinced of this. (My best friend and cousin have listened to these recordings and they can’t hear anything….which of course they would not, because I have not cheated…I have NO idea what he can hear that no one else can!) He told members of my family that I cheated and he has proof – the whole thing is just so motifying. He is so convincing that other people believe him!! I am currently back in the UK, remote teaching my school pupils and a few nights ago my husband was up all night, he kept opening the front door and shouting out (as if to scare someone away) and hovered in the hallway or sat and watched me sleep. He was awful. The next morning when he came out of the shower and accused me of sleeping with someone while he was in the shower! He then stole my laptop and was looking through my history and did the same with my phone. I found a paper straw in the bathroom and confronted him and he said ‘yes, he has done drugs and I have driven him to it’. He says he is a ‘drug user’ and not an ‘addict’ and I am the reason he uses cocaine. He is so awful to me I feel like dying. I do not recognise this man at all and I can’t handle it. I don’t deserve this and even now he just keeps accusing me of cheating. What am I supposed to do? I just feel entirely broken. I wish I could go and see someone for help…but with covid, I assume I can’t see anyone in person.

    • #17252

      Sounds like it could be something like psychosis.

      My partner has went through days of thinking the neighbours where spying on us, drilling holes through the ceiling & etc watching us.

      She was drinking & stressed.

      Video chats and online chats are available with professional people, if your husband is reasonably then maybe get him on a phone to a doctor.

      Keep yourself safe.

    • #17256

      Thank you. I will try that…he just keeps saying these are my problems and not because of the drugs (denial). Honestly for the past few months I thought I had been going crazy….trying to reason with someone who could not ever be reasoned with in that state.

    • #17257

      He might also just be in denial as you said. My partner has constantly pushed me away while dealing with her alcohol addiction. She rather deal with it along instead of pulling me into the whole detox, doctor / hospital visits. She says she rather have me get on with my life. Of course she rather I didn’t, she’s just stress and struggling.

    • #17258

      There’s numbers on this page that you can also phone and talk to someone that can help.

    • #17268

      Sounds like hes been hammering it. Paranoia is hard to get rid off trust me I know myself. Many a time I used to think police were coming through my door. Hope he can get the help he needs. I’m on day 22 since stopping. I’m doing a CBT course to help me with my behaviours and also retrain my brain to think logically again. He needs to stop because if he continues it could turn permanent


      Cocaine enduced psychosis

    • #17282

      Thank you Robb and Dot. I have asked him to talk to the GP and discuss what has been happening but he is refusing. He still blames me for our problems and keep insisting that he does not have a problem. I can’t live with him because I am constantly in fear he will flip again. I don’t know what to do? How can I make him see someone if he doesn’t want to?

    • #17283

      I didn’t realise the paranoid effects of drugs could last that long…ie days….

    • #17284

      I’m going to give you the brutal truth. You cant convince him. No matter what you say or do hes gonna do it. Not until he sees himself hes got a problem. And even that can take years to then get off. Its downhill from here. You need to make hom realise that he might lose you if he doesn’t get help.

    • #17285

      Thanks Dot. It just seems so crazy to throw away 20 years of being in one another’s lives and a marriage because he will not just speak to the GP.

    • #17286

      Ahhh speak to my ex wife she will help you change your mind shes good at doing the being cold stuff ????

    • #17287

      She will throw 9 years away as shes been through it all with me and the using etc. I thank her in a way because I was a lost cause In my head. Deffo never going back there ????????????????????

    • #17288

      If he is hostile, I would suggest moving out and then help him.

      You can’t make him do anything. He needs to wanting to do it for himself or for you.

      Surely you can speak to his GP on his behalf, just to inform the GP that is is using and you are worried about his well being ?

    • #17289

      Have you spoke to his family members (Mum,dad), maybe one of them can make him see reason?

      • #17343

        Can’t speak to his family. We are from different faiths and they never wanted anything to do with me. I wouldn’t recognise them on the street. I have zero contact with them. As for his friends, as he has told them I have been cheating, I don’t know how helpful they will be.

        • #17363


          Sorry, I haven’t been around much over the weekend. How are you doing?

          In my experience, him telling his friends you have cheated, they probably don’t believe him. I know my husbands friends didnt, they paid him lip service, but they all knew it was in his head. However, they didnt help me.

          You don’t have kids, please leave him. Your mental and physical health will suffer, I lost a tremendous amount of weight and I’m already slim, I was almost skeletal, because I couldn’t eat through worry.

          I didn’t leave because of fear, by leaving I thought it would look like I was guilty, crazy huh. Don’t bother recording your downtime, he’s paranoid about what ‘didnt happen’ in the past, as opposed to what is happening now, and there is nothing you can do about that, trust me. You cannot make someone believe you, you wont have proof that something didn’t happen. The same way that he wont find proof that it did, yet he is happy to make you feel like this.

          I am worrying about you, I know how I felt going through what you are. I’m mentally scarred from the years, I’m getting better, but I still second guess what he’ll think to a comment before speaking. I was in counselling myself before lockdown, because I know that I need to work on my ingrained fear. He is fine now, clean and content, but I still can’t change how I react because its deep rooted.

          Sending love x

    • #17290

      Right you literally need to leave him or make him leave. He will not get better when he doesn’t want help. I’m day 24 today off it and I’m like a new person… still have mood swings as these can occur up to 10 weeks after but not as bad as when I was on it. Honest truth is he will not change for no one until hes ready… I was made to be ready…

    • #17291

      Search cocaine enduced psychosis

      Will give you a bit more info.

      It only kicks in while hes using. I used to get it in uncomfortable situations.

      I only got it when having cocaine it was horrible

    • #17292
      • #17342

        Thanks Dot.Just read that. Really helpful – also scary.

    • #17331


      Your story almost made me feel sick, I had an identical situation with my husband early 2017. I actually think he did really believe that he was right and that I was lying, there was no proof because nothing happened, he smashed my phone up, phoned my boss (happily married with teenage children!!) and demanded to see logs of conversations (mortified), demanded to look through my internet history, it got to the point that I actually believed he’d put a tracker on my car – which wouldnt have been very exciting to watch, home, shop, nursery, home and repeat. There was NOTHING I could say to make him believe me, he was obsessed. He was also heavily using Coke. Its really hard to prove innocence to something you never thought you’d have to.

      Took my husband almost 6 months to sort himself out, during which time he was awful to live with.

      He’s had a few relapses since then, and the same thing rears its ugly head. But clean it doesnt…. go figure!

      In addition, its worth mentioning that while I wasnt being unfaithful, he actually was. So I wonder if the guilt of that manifested itself into believing if he was then I must be.

      I don’t know the answer, but you are not alone. If you can get out do, it might give him a wake up call. Do you have any kids?


      • #17341

        As a teacher I have been using Zoom during these remote learning times and I have taken to filming myself if I am ever alone in the house…..just to have ‘proof’ that I haven’t done anything. Exactly like you said – just me wandering about the house, watching ‘Friends’, drinking tea, DULL! But I am so exhausted of being accused of doing things, I felt this would help. I never thought he would accuse me of being unfaithful while he was in the shower (for 15 mins) of our small semi detached house!!

        I feel like all the joy in my life has been sucked away. I feel so entirely alone more than anything just drained. Him telling my family I have been cheating has been the worst thing ever. I am a private person and I feel like they will never look at me the same again (either through disgust or pity that I am married to a psycho). I don’t feel like I have the strength to go on. I am the only one working right now and I am paying all the bills/mortgage – and I feel, why? Why am I doing this for a man who is so horrible to me? I am a good person and I do not deserve this life. But is is so hard to just walk away.

        May I ask how your husband got help? You said it took 6 months? I am a Biology teacher so I understand the effect of drugs on the brain…but having never taken anything stronger than amaretto in my coffee or a WKD-blue (!) I had NO idea cocaine could have such lasting impact. Does this mean he is a heavy user? How much does this stuff even cost? That means he uses our money (money I am earning) on this – It makes me so mad.

        We don’t have kids, thankfully although we had been seriously considering adopting. Of course I will not pursue that now. But that makes me sad. I just feel so lost. He doesn’t want to talk to the GP (not that the surgery is open now anyway) and doesn’t see any of this as his problem. I hate that this is my life now.

    • #17332


      From what I understand, coke exacerbates paranoia and continues to till it (coke stops), then there’s the counselling! What are the chances of this happening and if so, committing (to both)? The havoc and abuse – unimaginable to me. I’m concerned about you. 20 years of waste if you ‘end’ it or 20 more years if you don’t? I read Robb’s and Dot’s response. YES. Get help ASAP. Given the circumstances you’ve detailed, if this ‘sits’, I don’t see improvement. I don’t like where this may be headed.

      I’ve experienced isolation, living with an addict – it exacerbated the ‘mixed bag’. I haven’t experienced physical abuse or threats of. Found I was second guessing myself though. Dispirited and resigned, thinking ‘this is it’. Again, I can only imagine walking in your shoes. COVID19 limits the branches of help but they are there.

      Phone help lines can provide a list of medicos, therapists etc. Many are free of charge. There are other forums out there too like Adfam, to get it out. I joined Adfam today. Thank you Robb! Any key words will lead to a link formed for spouses/families of addicts. You’ll find something that suits you. There’ll be a range for you.

      No doubt about it, addiction becomes a family disease and a progressive one at that. It can become a trap for all concerned. The professionals truly can provide so much assistance – facts and practical information, all with care and understanding. You’re not alone Sickworried.

      Best wishes to you from Oz.


    • #17393

      Has anyone heard from Sickworried, I’m worried about her.

    • #17395

      No I haven’t heard anything

    • #17396

      Thanks Dot – I hope she’s ok, her partners paranoia seems off the scale, and knowing how I felt when my husband was like that, I am concerned for her.

    • #17405

      With this being an anon forum nothing we can do. Maybe message her privately or get a moderator too it will go to her email… all I can suggest

    • #17414

      Is there a way to private message? I dont think I know how to do that. To be honest I’m worried that he’s found that she’s been getting support on this forum Dot 🙁

    • #17452

      As indicated in the forum guidelines it’s really important that personal information and contact details aren’t shared on the forum. The forum is a safe and anonymous environment, and sharing personal information breaches that anonymity. That’s why forum users, including the moderators, aren’t able to privately message or contact others outside of the forum. If you wanted to contact the Adfam forum moderators directly you can email

      We’re really sorry to hear about the difficult experiences that have been shared on this thread.

      If anyone ever feels that they are in immediate danger as a result of their situation they should phone 999.

      For information and advice around domestic abuse you can phone the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247. This line is free and confidential and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

      If anyone is feeling particularly vulnerable and needs to speak with someone about how they are feeling, you can phone Samaritans on 116 123 for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

      Thank you.

    • #17453

      Hey guys

      Thank you for your messages, it hasn’t improved and today my father is coming to pick me up and take me back to his place. I can’t make any headway with him and I so unbearably miserable that I can’t go on like this. I will be in a safe place in a few hours and I am so touched you guys were worried about me.

    • #17454

      Glad you are okay. It will get easier I promise. Focus on yourself for a bit and get stronger you can do this.

    • #17455

      I echo Dot’s message. I’m pleased you are ok, and getting the support you need. Sending huge hugs and lots of love, you can do this ???? take care of yourself, you deserve happiness x

      • #17458

        Huge relief! What bravery. Keep at it. YOU are more than worth it. You are loved. You have support. People care about you and your wellbeing, don’t forget.

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