Please help me understand

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    • #7286

      Hey, I’m really after some help and advise. My partner who I have only been seeing for 3 months admitted to me he was addict of alcohol and cocaine. At Xmas time he sought therapy and has been clean up to now.

      Recently he turned to the drink and drugs again.

      I have been so badly verbally abused. Can these substances turn somebody psychotic? It’s like he turned into this evil monster hurling abuse I can’t even repeat. Personal to me.

      The hatred that came with it was just terrifying.

      Did he mean it all ? He has accused me of all sorts and calling me awful names and telling me to do some vile things to myself.

      I blocked him from everywhere and we haven’t spoken all weekend.

      I used to partake in drink and drugs when younger and ibhave never experienced this type of behaviour.

      Is there some underlying problem or can abuse of these substances actually do this to a person.

      I’m so sad and scared and I don’t even know what to do now .

    • #27159

      So sorry to hear what you have been through .

      The verbal abuse is just the start when it comes to addicts . It’s highly likely that he was craving coke at the time.

      After the verble abuse , then comes the physical abuse then the menatl abuse and the manipulation..

      My advice to you is to keep him blocked foreve . You have only been togther 3 months . Don’t waste anymore of your time on him . You can’t fix him .

      I was with my partner for 10 years , last 2 years she was addicted to coke . It turned her into a moster, who had no respect for her self never mind me. This girl was the love of my life , we had a house , we were engaged to get married and then coke took that away from us .

      Also he will definitely have an underlying mental health issue. As the coke will just be away of self soothing .

      Many people on her told me years ago to run away from her and I thought , no this is different , you don’t know her , I can help her see the light etc….

      She damaged my mental health and now I’m in counseling every week .

      Trust me run away as fast as you can and don’t look back .

      • #27160


        I’m so sorry you have been through all that.

        The thing is, he is such a good guy when clean, he has been a true gent and can’t do enough.. sometimes a little too over the top with things. We had just booked a holiday for May time…

        He does have some things that have worried me a little… like not always able to listen to me, attention is very short. He jumps from one conversation to another to another.. he gets very very excited about things.. but can get very down too. I do find myself on eggshells a little at times… but he has been exercising, eating well, and seemed like he was on the right track.

        He has told me of history’s of ex partners that have app screwed his head up. He has accused me of cheating… and also when he had the drugs and alcohol he sent me codes to pictures ibhave sent him previously.. like there was hiden meanings or codes inn the pictures???.. I presume thus is all drug related?

        Thank you for been so honest, I know it’s only 3 months but I just didn’t want to be another person who left him and couldn’t see the good he can be…

        The abuse he has dished out has been quite terrifying and it’s made me very anxious and had a few panics yesterday . I’m really jumpy today and on edge everytime phone pings… but if he was a different person Bec of the drugs ..

        I don’t know.

        Thank you again. I’m just trying to understand if this can be cured and get better x

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